Thursday, December 9, 2010

by: Gwen Kervella of 2 - Kostka

Table of Contents
Original Poem Compositions
Short Resume
Student's Reflective Notes
Summary of the Portfolio
Letter to the Viewers

HI! I am Gwenael Kervella and i am an amateur poet.We were asked to create poems in our English class, that would be the reason for this poems.Poetry is a way of expressing our feelings and emotions through writing.Through these poems i can express how i feel.Haikus and Tankas are short Japanese poems.I created the poems below with the best of my ability. :)



Once again, I am Gwenael Kervella, from 2 - Kostka of the Ateneo de Davao Highschool.I was born on July 23, 1996.I enjoy writing poems.. =))))) Just sharing.

Reflective Notes

Haiku - A Japanese poem with 3 lines, 17 syllables in a 5-7-5 syllable pattern.

The Seasonal Theme - Each haiku must contain a "Kigo"(season word) which indicate in which season the haiku is set.

Qualities of a HAIKU
1st line - What it looks/feel's like?
2nd line - What it does?
3rd line - What is it?

Tanka - A Japanese poem with 5 lines, 31 syllables in a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable pattern.

Steps on Making a Tanka
Step 1 - Think of two lines about a certain special event.
Step 2 - Reflect on that two lines.
Step 3 - Think of three lines that would describe the first two lines.
Step 4 - Put the last three lines above the first two lines.
Step 5 - Add punctuation marks if needed.

Summary of the Portfolio
Through making these poems, I have learned that we can express how we feel through writing.We also shouldn't limit our imagination.We can use our imaginations and feelings to make a good poem. 

Letter to Viewers
THANK YOU so much for taking the time to read this.I hope you enjoyed it. :)

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